International students - Accomodation

Before completing this form, please read the following information. By completing and submitting this form, we understand that you have read all the information and you automatically give your consent.

* registration for the fall semester

Student registration for accomodation
Please fill in all the texts in the fields.

Personal data



* These fees have been established for the academic year 2023-2024. These might be adjusted for the upcoming academic year. We encourage you to review the new accommodation fees carefully before your arrival.
** Accommodation fees are 50 RON higher only during the first month of stay.

Declaration of Consent

I certify that the information given in this application and the documents provided are correct and complete to the best of my knlowledge and belief
I have taken notice that the information on this form will be stored electronically and used by the international office in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act

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